The Crypt - Escape New Haven in New Haven, CT

Heading to Escape New Haven to give The Crypt ago. I really want to do The Game Show but just me and the twins heading out today and need a couple more for that one. Definitely going to try their outdoor escape, The Totem, in the very near future!


Synopsis from Escape New Haven: You are members of the crew of a major upcoming movie, “The Crypt.” The director and the star, the famous has-been Holly Mayweather, have been acting strange lately, and odd things keep happening on set, so you’ve decided to sneak in late at night and see if you can find out what’s going on. You have one hour before the security guard comes back to make his rounds. Let’s see what you can find.

WebsiteEscape New Haven

Players: 2-5

Cost: $79 for the first two players, and $19 per player after that

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