The Jungle Dimension | Puzzle Theory in South Windsor, CT

After visiting Puzzle Theory two weeks ago, we had to come back. It was a great experience overall. This time we did The Jungle Dimension which had a Jumanji vibe. This is one of the rooms I recommend to first-time escapees. It is fun, challenging, and not overwhelming. We did get hung up on one thing in the second room that probably only needed one person but we required two. After that, we completed with time to spare.


Synopsis from Puzzle Theory: Dr. X has invented the ability to travel to alternate dimensions. Through his research, he uncovered a strange place that exists primarily in a jungle. Within, a game within a game. He needs you to go in and recover a lost artifact known as a sphericon. But you will only have 1 hour to complete the job or you will be lost there forever. Are you brave enough to conquer, The Jungle Dimension!

The Puzzles

Physical Puzzles
Light and Sound
Hidden Objects
Visual Design
Logic Puzzles

Escaped: Yes 

WebsitePuzzle Theory

Cost: $30 per person

Players: 2-5 Players

Time Limit: 60 minutes

Difficulty: They rate it a 6 out of 10

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