TH3 C0D3 | Escapology

Reminder to myself: Never attempt an escape room when feeling hangry. After a long day of driving, touring the University of New Hampshire, and returning to Massachusetts for the escape room, we realized we should have made more time to eat. Our hunger made the experience more challenging, and we required two hints to complete the room. The first hint was necessary, while the second was a facepalm moment. Nevertheless, the room had some entertaining features that made it enjoyable despite our hunger-induced struggles.

My Overall Rating:  3 Stars | Good Game 


Synopsis from Escapology: You are being framed for the biggest digital hack in U.S. history! Do you have what it takes to prove your innocence? 

Types of Puzzles Encountered:

Physical Puzzles
Light and Sound
Hidden Objects
Visual Design
Logic Puzzles
Words and Numbers

Escaped:  Yes

Website: Escapology

Cost: Starts at $99 for 2 players and more you add there is a discount. 

Players: 4 

Time Limit: 60 minutes

Difficulty:  7.5/10 Difficulty Rating

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