Lenny Thompkins Sold His Soul to Play the Blues | Pursue the Clues

I was impressed with Pursue the Clues' unique approach of designing their own games. The introductory video to the game was one of the best I've seen as it perfectly set the tone for the game. While the room was low-tech, it still had enough interactive elements to keep it interesting. However, we encountered some difficulty with the locks even though we had the correct codes. It seemed that the locks were very sensitive. Nonetheless, our game master was friendly and helpful throughout the game

.My Overall Rating:  3 Stars | Good Game  


Synopsis from Pursue the Clues: From a young age, all Lenny Thompkins ever wanted was to play the blues. After years of honing his skills he decided to do the one thing that would give him a better sound that anyone. Lenny Thompkins made a deal with a mysterious woman named Lucy, and that deal didn't do him much good. Find the contract, save Lenny's soul, and let him play the blues in peace.

Types of Puzzles Encountered

Physical Puzzles
Light and Sound
Hidden Objects
Logic Puzzles
Words and Numbers

Escaped: Yes

Website: Pursue the Clues

Cost: $29 per person

Players: 4-6 Players

Time Limit: 60 minutes

Difficulty:  Medium

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